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Scatter - concept and meaning

Consider what the concept and meaning of the word means scatter (информация предоставлена intellect.icu).

—v. 1 a throw about; strew. b cover by scattering. 2 a (cause to) move in flightet cetera (и так далее); disperse. b disperse or cause (hopes, clouds,et cetera (и так далее)) to disperse. 3 (as scattered adj.) wide apart or sporadic (scattered villages). 4 Physics deflect or diffuse (light, particles,et cetera (и так далее)). —n. 1 act of scattering. 2 small amount scattered. 3 extent of distribution. [probably var. of *shatter]



Данное слово имеет следующие слова-рифмы:

Полные рифмы для слова "scatter":
administer, after, alabaster, alter, altimeter, ammeter, anemometer, anteater, antimatter

Рифмы для этого же слова "scatter", но если ударение на последний слог :
adder, adulterer, adventurer, adviser.
Помните, что рифмы могут зависеть от диалектов и произношения, поэтому в некоторых случаях рифмы могут варьироваться.

Вымышленные слова-рифмы для этого же слова (с учетом частотности букв русского или английского языка) "scatter" :
rigoriter, lavedeter, wadaliter, nihabiter, hamorater, lenofoter, necegeter, tydereter.

Больше рифм

Цифровое произношение

Используя технологию и алгоритмы для преобразования "Scatter" в числовой формат с целью облегчения их поиска, классификации или сопоставления для достижения цифрового произношения алгоритмами soundex-S360, для metaphone-"" и для double-metaphone SKTR.

See also

Analysis of existing approaches to face recognition ... ”, LDA ) isfound LDA selects alinear subspace thatmaximizes therelationship :.Where interclass scatter matrix , andMatrix ofintraclass scatter ; misthenumber ofclasses .inthedatabase LDA islooking foraprojection ... (Pattern recognition)

Radar Absorbing and Radiolucent Materials ... provides foraphase shift of.thewave reflected inthematerial byalmost 180 ° and.its damping Scattering radio absorbing materials provide multiple reflection andscattering of.waves Products from ... (Microwave Devices and Antennas)

8. Training on gigabytes with Vowpal Wabbit ... . - and postulate a linear relationship between height and weight Code for reading data and drawing a scatter plot % matplotlib inline from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn ... (Machine learning)

REFLECTIONS.  building reflections ... . law - angle of incidence equals angle of reflection (for mirror .surfaces ) Matt surfaces scatter reflected rays Second law of reflection - reflected . rays are located in the same plane ... (18 Shadows and reflections)

P.1.3.  Numerical characteristics of random variables. ... not coincide with (X) and Hyutak as P. (Hm ) = = JW (X) dX hg Dispersion The variance A = characterizes the scatter of the random . variable X with respect to the average value For a continuous random variable , the variance ... ... .value : about = l / d (P that is, the quantity a has the dimension of the. random variable X and more conveniently characterizes the scatter of.the values ​​of the random variable than the variance For a discrete random value of the field ... (GSM Basics)

11.3.  Linearization of the function of several random arguments ... deviation m; readings of the speed .indicator - by systematic error - 2 m / s and standard deviation of. 1 m / s; scatter of the possible values ​​of the.ballistic coefficient due to the inaccuracy of the manufacture of the. bomb , characterized by a standard ... ... due to inaccuracy in.determining the parameters , and Determine which of these factors has the greatest influence on. the scatter of the point of the bomb falling Decision Values , and are uncorrelated random variables with numerical characteristics ... (Probability theory. Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Analysis)

создано: 2021-06-17

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