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Scatology - concept and meaning

Consider what the concept and meaning of the word means scatology (информация предоставлена intellect.icu).

n. excessive interest in excrement or obscenity.  scatological adj. [Greek skor skat- dung]



Данное слово имеет следующие слова-рифмы:

Полные рифмы для слова "scatology":
aetiology, analogy, anthology, anthropology, apology, archaeology, archeology, astrology, bacteriology, biology

Рифмы для этого же слова "scatology", но если ударение на последний слог :
Помните, что рифмы могут зависеть от диалектов и произношения, поэтому в некоторых случаях рифмы могут варьироваться.

Вымышленные слова-рифмы для этого же слова (с учетом частотности букв русского или английского языка) "scatology" :
hetoreogy, haweteogy, neciseogy, nomyraogy, honeleogy, fesetiogy, geriheogy, sulasuogy.

Больше рифм

Цифровое произношение

Используя технологию и алгоритмы для преобразования "Scatology" в числовой формат с целью облегчения их поиска, классификации или сопоставления для достижения цифрового произношения алгоритмами soundex-S342, для metaphone-"" и для double-metaphone SKTL.

See also

9.4.1 Labor process and the basics of its organization ... maintenance schedule For a rational selection of works , it is advisable to. build multi-station maintenance schedules Consider the main stages of construction According to the information cards , determine the structure of operational ... ... for the same operation t pr j. , i e T co j = max t op j + t pr j. Versions of multi-station service schedules are shown in Fig Fig Options for multiple service schedules Evaluation of the effectiveness of. the selected ... (Management)

9. IT-project risk management ... , for supplier 2 , this probability will. be equal to 40 %. The project team developed network schedules for three alternative schedules . for the implementation of IP , provided that the equipment has .already been ... (software project management)

... Participates in the preparation of draft contracts with. printing companies for the implementation of printing and design works ,.schedules of editorial and production processes of publications He places orders and transmits to the printing companies ... ... of manuscripts , illustrations , as well .as proofs and signal copies of publications Keeps records of the implementation of schedules for the set ., printing and production of circulations , controls the completeness of publications .and the quality of printing Takes ... (Professions and specialties)

Occupational Health and Safety Engineer ... , compressed gas cylinders , cranes , hoists and.other equipment , compliance with air measurement schedules , industrial noise , vibration Conducts briefings for employees of the enterprise , participates in the. investigation of the causes ... (Professions and specialties)

... Coordinates the work of departments of the enterprise , takes measures . to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules ,.prevent and eliminate violations of the production process Provides timely processing , accounting and regulation ... (Professions and specialties)

... specialists are characterized by. a shift work schedule Different pager companies practice different schedules - a day (24 hours .) in two , a day in three , a day in a.day and a night in a day ... (Professions and specialties)

создано: 2021-06-17

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