var. of *scar2.
... ) - escape , hide DRAW - do ; describe theperson 'sappearance , things DRAW WITH SCAR - cut face DRAW - unexpectedly appear AT HORNS - astate ofintoxication NARI ... (Criminal psychology)
... by actors Each of the characters outlined briefly , but for sure “The captain has an anchor and a scar on his . arm There are dark spots on the face under the skin . that leave coal ... (BASIS OF JOURNALIST'S CREATIVE ACTIVITY)
... consequences that change the personality . profile (psychosis and other major changes ). There is such an emotional scar that is not under .- 1 Skoblo S et al The Condemnation of the Murderer of a Minor Hostage ... (Criminal psychology)
... the operated patients there were quite a few such. who had an epileptic focus (for example , a scar in.the brain tissue after injury , etc ) was in some of the speech areas - then it was. necessary to remove ... (Pedagogy and didactics)
... oftheinsert Thirtieth anniversary Union - hold on, scoundrels Iknow your wrinkles ,.Flaws , scars , teeth -.Theslightest ofchipping (Teeth - Kohl verse did notgo ) - Marina Tsvetaeva ... (Rhetoric)
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