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Magic - concept and meaning

Consider what the concept and meaning of the word means magic (информация предоставлена intellect.icu).

—n. 1 a supposed art of influencing or controlling events supernaturally. b witchcraft. 2 conjuring tricks. 3 inexplicable influence. 4 enchanting quality or phenomenon. —adj. 1 of magic. 2 producing surprising results. 3 colloq. wonderful, exciting. —v. (-ck-) change or create by or as if by magic.



Данное слово имеет следующие слова-рифмы:

Полные рифмы для слова "magic":
allergic, logic, lysergic, strategic, tragic

Рифмы для этого же слова "magic", но если ударение на последний слог :
academic, acerbic, acetic, achromatic.
Помните, что рифмы могут зависеть от диалектов и произношения, поэтому в некоторых случаях рифмы могут варьироваться.

Вымышленные слова-рифмы для этого же слова (с учетом частотности букв русского или английского языка) "magic" :
sazoregic, hetaregic, simodegic, pesurygic, hoterugic, walehugic, nedypigic, teceragic.

Больше рифм

Цифровое произношение

Используя технологию и алгоритмы для преобразования "Magic" в числовой формат с целью облегчения их поиска, классификации или сопоставления для достижения цифрового произношения алгоритмами soundex-M220, для metaphone-"" и для double-metaphone primary : MJK secondary: MKK.

See also

... , monotheism The concept of the works of Art Grof Perinatal matrices Representations of the afterlife Magic as an everyday practice Ritual dances as business games of the past Main literature on topic ... (Parapsychology and esoterics: a psychological analysis)

pixel art pixel art ... reflect this area horizontally (Flip .Horizontal ) After that, go to the layer with the house and. use the Magic Wand tool (Magic Wand ) to select all the colors of the roof . (except black ... (design software UI and Web design)

The hard disk makes sounds: Check HDD for errors and bad sectors.  Symptoms of problems with the hard disk ... hangs on the Windows logo ).I tried to format it with a bootable USB flash drive . in the Partition Magic Magic , but it starts to see .hard only after a min 20 , but about that to do ... (Diagnostics, maintenance and repair of electronic and radio equipment)

Computer mouse ... and playback of audio and video clips .; launching applications ; etc Touch control Apple magic mouse In 2009 , Apple introduced the Magic Mouse , which is the. world 's first ... (Electromechanical devices of electronic devices)

Scan on wordpress wp-login.php and references in the referrals ,SQL Injection and Directory Traversal ... are working on a server with administrator privileges . Examples of links , for obvious reasons , we will not give . Magic - catalogs and files What directories (subsections ) are used by bots most often We ... ... depends . on the surveyed sites and the inclusion (exclusion ) of the.directories used to search for administrative panels Magic - catalogs example org / svn example org /apache-default example org /backup ... (Malicious, and information security)

The <span class='search'>magic </span>of smile and laughter ... What makes this schematic drawing completely irresistible Bob looked around and met his eyes with a pretty . brunette She smiled at him Bob did not hesitate for a long time , crossed the. room and struck up a conversation The girl was not too talkative , but continued to smile . Bob spoke to another topic But then his ex-girlfriend came up behind him and whispered .: “Come on, Bob She thinks you are ignorant ”Bob was stunned But ... (Body language)

создано: 2021-06-17

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