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Erect - concept and meaning

Consider what the concept and meaning of the word means erect (информация предоставлена intellect.icu).

—adj. 1 upright, vertical. 2 (of the peniset cetera (и так далее)) enlarged and rigid, esp. in sexual excitement. 3 (of hair) bristling. —v. 1 set up; build. 2 establish.  erection n. erectly adv. erectness n. [Latin erigere erect- set up]



Данное слово имеет следующие слова-рифмы:

Полные рифмы для слова "erect":
abject, affect, architect, aspect, bisect, circumspect, connect, correct, defect, deflect

Рифмы для этого же слова "erect", но если ударение на последний слог :
abduct, abstract, act, addict.
Помните, что рифмы могут зависеть от диалектов и произношения, поэтому в некоторых случаях рифмы могут варьироваться.

Вымышленные слова-рифмы для этого же слова (с учетом частотности букв русского или английского языка) "erect" :
henakeect, tolariect, raluseect, rehedeect, camaroect, nahanaect, nosomoect, surypeect.

Больше рифм

Цифровое произношение

Используя технологию и алгоритмы для преобразования "Erect" в числовой формат с целью облегчения их поиска, классификации или сопоставления для достижения цифрового произношения алгоритмами soundex-E623, для metaphone-"" и для double-metaphone ARKT.

See also

... shown here , the analyzer supports the following . operators : +, -, *, /,% In addition , he is able to erect to an integer . power (^) and calculate the unary minus And the analyzer is able to correctly recognize ... (Algorithms)

Topic 7. Beginning of New Time ... that time no.master had the knowledge or courage to create such a thing . When Brunelleschi proposed to erect the same dome over the. huge , unfinished church since the days of the Plague , the.church ... (History of Science and Technology)

Specialized antenna designs for various radio wave bands ... antennas that can reach .several tens of meters in height As it is extremely difficult to erect such structures in. the open sea from concrete and metal , they could be.replaced by structures made ... (Microwave Devices and Antennas)

PROGRAM LANGUAGE REVIEW ... is no other language that also stimulates programming It seems that other programming languages ​​erect artificial obstacles for. creativity , but C does not Using this language allows you to reduce the time ... (Programming Languages and Methods / Translation Theory)

... system - to all subsequent management P Drucker wrote : " Taylorism is the rock on which we erect . our discipline " F U Taylor is a practical engineer and manager who , on the. basis of analyzing the content ... (Management)

Requirements for the level of unification and standardization  advantages and disadvantages ... of the system a structure consisting of standard elements is easier to design ., make its calculation and erect in accordance with the accepted .standards regulated in regulatory sources ;. Production and development speed Due ... (Design and engineering of electronic equipment)

создано: 2021-06-17

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